Unicode Textures
Resource Pack Guide

Unicode Textures

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Unicode textures allow you to add custom symbols and characters that can be used in text. This is commonly used for creating custom icons in chat messages, signs, or anywhere text can be displayed.

Implementation### Step 1: Creating the Texture

First, create your texture file. This should be a PNG image where each character is 16x16 pixels. Multiple characters can be arranged in a grid format.

Place your texture file in:

└── 📁assets
    └── 📁minecraft
        └── 📁textures
            └── 📁font
                └── 📑custom_icons.png

Step 2: Creating the Font Provider

Create a JSON file that defines how your texture should be interpreted as Unicode characters. Place it in:

└── 📁assets
    └── 📁minecraft
        └── 📁font
            └── 📑default.json

The JSON file should look like this:

    "providers": [
            "type": "bitmap",
            "file": "minecraft:font/custom_icons.png",
            "ascent": 8,
            "height": 16,
            "chars": [

Parameters Explained

Parameter Description
type The type of font provider. Use "bitmap" for image-based characters
file Path to your texture file
ascent Vertical offset of the character (usually half of height)
height Height of each character in pixels
chars Array of Unicode characters to map to your textures

Using Unicode Characters

To use your custom characters in-game, you can copy and paste the Unicode character (e.g. \uE000) into chat messages, signs, or use them in translation files.


  • Each Unicode character from \uE000 to \uF8FF is available for custom use
  • Characters are mapped left-to-right, top-to-bottom in your texture file
  • Make sure your texture dimensions are multiples of 16x16 pixels

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